L5710 Tester - 指令 - SET_MUX_PINS
The SET_MUX_PINS instruction set the specified pins to mux mode.
*Syntax :
SET_MUX_PINS( Pin_Group_Name)
*Arguments :
Pin_Group_Name: any pin group name which had been defined by user in the test program. the pin group is defined in the pattern file.
The mux mode provides one pin's waveform which is combined with two pins' waveform according to the mux TG definition. For the system resource, CHO, CHI can mux. CH2, CH3 can mux,.....Ch254, CH255 can mux. If the user defines the mux mode for CHO and CH1, the mux waveform is sent to these two pins. Otherwise, every pin has it's own waveform only. The mux TG is defined in the timing set.
*Example :
#關鍵字 L5710 Tester - 指令 - SET_MUX_PINS
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