L5710 Tester - 指令 - SET_REF_LEVEL
The SET_REF_LEVEL instruction set the level set which defines each pin's level.
*Syntax :
SET_REF_LEVEL(Level Set_Name)
*Arguments :
Level_Set_Name:any level set name which had been defined by the user in the test program. the level set is defined in the pattern file.
This instruction only set the drive and compare high/low level of the select pins which are defined in the level set. Level per pin is provided for the
L5710 system.
Max 256 level sets can be used.
*Example :
→L1 is a level set name that define each pin's level in the pattern SET_REF_LEVEL(L2);
#關鍵字 L5710 Tester - 指令 - SET_REF_LEVEL
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