ASL3000 Tester - Terms and Acronyms

ASL3000 Tester 術語、字母縮寫


以下依照英文字母排列順序,將ASL3000 Tester 使用到的術語、字母縮寫記錄下來,借日後使用時可以查詢、參考。


■ ACM: Alternating Current Multiplexer

■ ACS: Alternating Current Source

■ ADC: Analog to Digital Convertor

■ ASB: Analog Switch Board

■ ATE: Automatic Test Equipment

■ AVD: Audio Video Digitizer (refer to mixed signal instruments).

■ AWG: Arbitrary Waveform Generator (refer to mixed signal instruments).




■ BB ACP: Baseband Analog Capture Port.

■ BB AWG: Baseband Arbitrary Waveform Generator

■ Brick: Term used to describe the RF module assembly, located in the ASL3000RF testhead.




■ C Bits: A group of 64 control lines available at the DUT fixture, for DUT fixture control.

■ Cal DUT: Testhead fixture used when running maintenance on the system. The Cal DUT is specific to the tester's configuration.

■ Checker: Program used to test basic functionality of ASL instruments.

■ CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon - a process used to manufacture integrated circuits.

■ Comparator: MDI circuit used for "monitoring" the Output pin of the DUT.

■ Cycle: Term used to define the time of one test cycle in a digital functional test (refer to MDI).




■ DAC: Digital to Analog Convertor

■ DCC: Data Converter Card

■ DDD: Digital Driver and Detector

■ DLL: Dynamic Link Libraries

■ DOAL: Dual Op-Amp Loop

■ Down Convert: Term used for converting an RF frequency to an IF frequency.

■ DPS: DUT Power Supply

■ Driver: MDI circuit used for driving the Input pin of the DUT.

■ DSP: Digital Signal Processing

■ DUT Fixture: Circuit board that resides on top of the testhead and interfaces the DUT to the instrument cards (via pogo pins).

■ DUT Power: Power routed from testhead to DUT fixture (via pogos). Controlled by switch on side of testhead.

■ DUT: Device Under Test

■ DVI: Dual Voltage/Current Source




■ ECB: Etched Circuit Board

■ ECL: Emitter Coupled Logic - a very fast bipolar IC technology.

■ ESD: Electro-static Discharge




■ FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array - a logic device that can be Alange programmed or re-programmed anytime.

■ FRU: Field Replaceable Unit

■ Functional Test: A digital test that runs a DUT through all possible logic conditions (refers to MDI).




■ G4  Receiver: Board within MVNA used for digitizing and analyzing (DSP) the RF measurements. (G4 is the DSP processor chip.)

■ GPIB: General Purpose Interface Bus




■ Head Power: Power routed from DC power supply (in rack) to testhead. Controlled by switch on the DC Power Supply in the rack.

■ HF: High Frequency

■ HVS: High Voltage Source




■ I/O: Input/Output

■ I/Q Generator: An AWG that outputs two signals, one in-phase (1)) and the other 90 degrees out of phase (Q). Used to modulate an RF source.

■ IC: Integrated Circuit

■ IF: Intermediate Frequency

■ Inhibit: A driver state or condition. When the driver is inhibited, it's out of the circuit via high impedance. Drivers are typically inhibited when the comparator is in use (refer to MDI).

■ Init: Initialize a program for the ASL tester, should be ran before running VATE.






■ LF: Low Frequency

■ LO: Local Oscillator (refer to RF subsystem)

■ LVDS: Low Voltage Differential Signals - high speed bus architecture utilizing low voltages and differential signals.

■ LZB: Link/Zener Blower




■ MCAL: Multical - program used to calibrate the RF subsystem within the ASL3000RF tester.

■ MDI: Modular Digital Instrument

■ Mixer: Circuit used to down convert an RF or IF frequency. Mixers output the sum and difference frequency of the two input fundamental frequencies.

■ Multi-site: More than one DUT site being tested for increased through put.

■ MUX: Resource Multiplexer

■ MVNA: Modulated Vector Network Analyzer

■ MVS: Medium Voltage Source




■ OFS: Octal Floating Source

■ On-the-fly: Ability to change parameters during a functional burst or test.

■ Op Amp: Operational Amplifier - a linear IC amplifier.

■ OVI: Octal Voltage/Current




■ PMU: Parametric Measurement Unit - a voltage/current meter typically with force voltage/current capability.

■ Ports: Term used for the RF input and/or output of the RF Subsystem.

■ PRO: Prototyping

■ PVI: Pulsed V/I



■ RCS: Ramp Current Source

■ RF: Radio Frequency

■ RFVT: RF Virtual Tester - Tool used for RF subsystem programming and debug.




■ TG: Timing Generator - typically associated with a digital subsystem.

■ TIA: Time Interval Analyzer

■ Timeset(s): The timing parameters for both cycle time and driver/comparator edges. The Octet has 32 edge time sets and 16 cycle time sets.

■ TMU: Time Measurement Unit

■ Tri-state: A high impedance third logic state (ie high, low, and tri-state) for some devices.

■ TTL: Transistor-Transistor Logic - a bipolar process used to manufacture integrated circuits.


■ TØ: Represents time zero, denotes the start of each test cycle. All timing edges are with respect to Tø.




■ VATE: Visual ATE software environment for ASL tester. -

■ VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration.





#關鍵字 ASL3000 Tester 術語、字母縮寫




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