L5710 Tester - 指令 - TEST_FLOW;END_TEST_FLOW
The instructions are used to define the test sequence.
*Syntax :
Plan_Name = ( Plan_Name or BIN_No, Plan_Name or BIN_No)
Plan_Name = (Plan_Name or BIN_No, Plan_Name or BIN_No)
*Arguments :
Plan_Name: any plan name which had been defined by the user in the test program. the plan is defined in the main PLAN, END_PLAN instruction. program with
BIN_No: It can be defined as software bin from 1 to 192.
The instructions decide the test flow and binning. The rule is as follows. See the attached figure.
Test Plan1, if pass then test Plan2, if fail Binning to BIN8.
Test Plan2, if pass then test Plan3, if fail test Plan4.
Test Plan3, if pass then test Plan5, if fail Binning to BIN6.
Test Plan5, if pass then binning to BIN1, if fail then binning to BIN5.
*Example :
Plan1 = (Plan2, BIN8 );
Plan2 = (Plan3, Plan4)
Plan3 = (Plan5, BIN6 );
Plan5 = (BIN1, BIN5 );
Plan4 = (BIN2, BIN7 );
#關鍵字 L5710 Tester - 指令 - TEST_FLOW;END_TEST_FLOW
■ 延伸閱讀 :L5710 指令說明 & 其它