

L5710 Tester - 指令 - PMU_FVMI, PMU FIMV

These instructions force a specified value to PMU. After waiting a delay time, measure a value from the PMU and judge the pass/fail.



PMU_FVMI( Pin_Group_Name, Force_Value, VI_Range, Low_Limit, High Limit, Delay Time, Gang Flag, Test_Flag) PMU_FIMV( Pin_Group_Name, Force_Value, VI_Range, Low_Limit, High Limit, Delay Time, Gang Flag, Test_Flag)


*Arguments :

Pin_Group_Name: any pin group name which had been defined by user in the test program. the pin group is defined in the pattern file.

Force Value: value + unit (A, mA, uA, V, mV). which range depends on VI Range.

VI_Range:There are 4 V_Range and 7 I_Range defined as following

E1: +/-2V

E2: +/-4V

E3: +/- 8V

E4: +/-10V

I1:+/- 1uA

I2:+/- 10uA

I3:+/- 100uA

I4 : +/- 1mA

I5 : +/- 10mA

16:+/- 100mA

I7:+/- 1A

Low_Limit: value + unit (A, mA, UA, V, mV).

High Limit: value + unit (A, mA, UA, V, mV).

Delay Time: value + unit (s, ms, us).

Gang Flag

"ON" measures the value for all pins of the pin group at the same time. That means the PMU relays of all pins are connected to PMU simultaneously.

"OFF" measures the value for all pins of the pin group pin by pin. That means the PMU relays of all pins are connected to PMU separately.

Test Flag

"ON" care the pass/fail result and fail stop.

"OFF" don't care about the pass/fail result and fail not stop.



The instructions will select the VI_Range, set the value, connect the specified PMU relay, delay a period of time (which is not defined by the user) and force the specified value to the selected PMU. After waiting a delay time (which is defined by the user) measure the value from PMU and judge if the result is between Low_Limit and High_Limit. If it is true, the test result is PASS. Otherwise, the test result is FAIL.

For preventing hot switching, force the value to zero before the change of the VI_Range.

The VI Range of the measured value is the same as the force value .12



PMU FVMI(IN_PINS, 2.00V, V215, -1.000uA, 1.000uA, 3.00ms, OFF, ON);

PMU_FIMV(ALL_PINS, -100.0uA, V113, -2.000uV, -0.200V, 5.00ms, OFF, ON);

#關鍵字 L5710 Tester - 指令 - PMU_FVMI, PMU FIMV


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