L5710 Tester - 指令 - DPS_MI, DPS_MV
These instructions measure a value from the DPS and judge the pass/fail.
*Syntax :
DPS_MI(DPS No, Low_Limit, High_Limit, Test_Flag)
DPS_MV(DPS_No, Low_Limit, High_Limit, Test_Flag)
*Arguments :
DPS No: the DPS which is selected to force value. The actual DPS number is from 1 to 4.
Low Limit: value + unit (A, mA, uA, V, mV).
High Limit: value + unit (A, mA, uA, V, mV).
"ON" care about the pass/fail result and fail-stop.
"OFF" don't care about the pass/fail result and fail not to stops.
The instructions measure the value and judge if the result is between Low_Limit and High_Limit. If it is true, the test result is PASS.
Otherwise, the test result is FAIL. The VI_Range for the two instructions are the same as the DPS_FV or DPS_FI which is defined before the two instructions.
*Example :
DPS_FV(DPS1, 2.400V, V216);
DPS_MV(DPS2, -2.0V, -200mV, OFF);
DPS_MI(DPS1, -5uA, 5uA, ON);
#關鍵字 L5710 Tester - 指令 - DPS_MI, DPS_MV
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