L5710 Tester - 指令 - TS_CHANGE
The TS_CHANGE instruction changes the TS in the main program instead of in the pattern file.
*Syntax :
TS_CHANGE( Original_TS_Name, Target_TS_Name)
*Arguments :
Original_TS_Name: the timing set which will be replaced by the target.
Target_TS_Name: the timing set which will replace the original.
This instruction provides the function for timing set change in the main program. If the pattern's content is the same except the timing, the user can define a two-timing set and select one timing set in the used pattern. In the main program, the user can use TS_CHANGE instruction to change the timing set instead of duplicating the other pattern which uses another timing set. This can simplify the pattern files.
If using this instruction, remember to change the timing set to the original one finally.
→ TSI is an index, TS2 is the data. use TS2's data to replace the TS1
→ After being replaced by TS2, user must use TS1's data to replace the TS1 which data is TS2 as the last TS_CHANGE.
#關鍵字 L5710 Tester - 指令 - TS_CHANGE
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