

L5710 Tester - 指令 - PMU_MI, PMU_MV

These instructions measure a value from the PMU and judge the pass/fail.


*Syntax :

PMU_MI( Pin_Group_Name, Low_Limit, High_Limit, Delay_Time, Gang Flag, Test_Flag)

PMU_MV(Pin_Group_Name, Low_Limit, High_Limit, Delay_Time, Gang_Flag, Test_Flag)


*Arguments: miss of

Pin_Group_Name: any pin group name which had been defined by user in the test program. the pin group is defined in the pattern file.

Low_Limit: value + unit (A, mA, uA, V, mV).

High Limit: value + unit (A, mA, uA, V, mV).

Delay Time: value + unit (s, ms, us).


"ON" measures the value for all pins of the pin group at the same time. That means the PMU relays of all pins are connected to PMU simultaneously. "OFF" measures the value for all pins of the pin group pin by pin. That means the PMU relays of all pins are connected to PMU separately.


"ON" cares about the pass/fail result and fail-stop.

"OFF" don't care about the pass/fail result and fail not to stop.



The instructions measure the value and judge if the result is between Low_Limit and High_Limit. If it is true, the test result is PASS. Otherwise, the test result is FAIL.

The VI_Range for the two instructions are the same as the PMU_FV or PMU_FI which is defined before the two instructions.



PMU_MI(IN_PINS, -1.000uA, 1.000uA, 3.00ms, OFF, ON);

PMU_MV(ALL_PINS, -2.000V, -0.200V, 5.00ms, OFF, ON);

#關鍵字 L5710 Tester - 指令 - PMU_MI, PMU_MV


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