Orchestrator for Citizen Developers




Tenant 中 各種標籤(Tab)的功能說明

以下整理 UiPath Orchestrator → Tenant 中 各種標籤(Tab)的功能說明。

Orchestrator  - Tenant


■ Tanant→

• Robot(機器人):

  1. View all configured robots. 
  2. 查看所有已配置的機器人


• Folders(文件夾):

  1. Create and manage folders in the tenant. 
  2. 在租戶中創建和管理文件夾。


• Monitoring(監控):

  1. Real-time monitoring of Orchestrator entities. 
  2. Orchestrator 實體的即時監控


• Manage Access(管理存取):

  1. Orchestrator users and group.
  2. 管理Orchestrator用戶和群組的使用權。


• Machines(機器):

  1. Provision the machines used in Automations run across folders.
  2. 為自動化中所使用的機器提供跨文件夾的運行。


• Packages(軟件包):

  1. Centrally manage packages across folders. 
  2. 集中管理跨文件夾的軟件包


• Audit(審計):

  1. Audit trail for actions performed by Orchestrator users.
  2. 對Orchestrator用戶執行的行動作審計、追蹤。


• Credentials(設置):

  1. Access and manage per tenant credential proxies.
  2. 存取和管理每個租戶的憑證代理。


• Webhook:

  1. Set webhooks to connect Orchestrator events to your application. 
  2. 設置 webhook 以將 Orchestrator 事件連接到您的應用程序。


• License(許可證):

  1. Manage the licenses across the tenant. :
  2. 管理整個租戶的許可證


• Alerts(警報):

  1. View and manage notifications and errors. 
  2. 查看、管理通知和錯誤。


• Settings (設置):

  1. Orchestrator application setting. 
  2. Orchestrator 應用程式設置。






Orchestrator  - Tenant - Folder


Tanant→My Workspace→

• Home(首頁):

  1. Quick overview of Orchestrator entities in the folder.
  2. 快速檢視在文件夾中Orchestrator實體


• Automations(自動化):

  1. Run processes, deploy packages, and manage jobs, triggers, and logs.
  2. 執行程式、部署軟件包、管理工作、觸發及日誌記錄。


• Monitoring(監控):

  1. Real-time monitoring of Orchestrator entities.
  2. 對Orchestrator實體進行即時的監控


• Queues(列表):

  1. Group similar items to be processed periodically.
  2. 將要定期處理的相似項目分組。


• Assets(資產):

  1. Manage shared credentials or variables used in processes.
  2. 管理程序中使用的共享憑據或變數。


• Storage Buckets(儲存桶):

  1. Manage different types of storage solutions integrated with automation.
  2. 管理和自動化整合不同類類型得儲存解決方案。



Personal Workspace and Assets 個人的工作空間和資產

以下為Uipath Acadamy 中關於Orchestrator的影片內容

影片名稱:Working with Orchestrator




In this video, we'll explore Orchestrator's automation storage function and which Citizen Developers can use too. It might seem challenging to use Orchestrator at first, but it becomes easier once you learn that users have different roles and permissions defined by the admins. As a Citizen Developer, you need to understand the concept of a Personal Workspace, where to find the automation published, and the process of creating an asset that can be used in an automation project. Let's take them one by one.


A Personal Workspace is our own folder where we can keep our processes and assets used in our automation, as well as read data about jobs and logs. We can find it in Orchestrator as "My Workspace".  If you cannot see this sidebar, then your organization's admin activated for you the Personal Workspace User Interface profile. You can only view the content of this folder. Let's see what we can find inside of it! All our published automation projects can be accessed from the Automation tab.

個人工作區(Workspace)是我們自己文件夾,在這裡我們可以保存我們的流程(process)及在自動化中使用的資產(assets),也可以讀取工作(Jobs)和日誌(Logs)的資料。我們可在在Orchestrator的「My Wrokspace」中找到它。如果你沒有看到此側欄,那麼你們的組織的管理員為你開通的個人工作區的使用介面,你就只能查看這個文件夾的內容。讓我們來看看我們可以在裏面找到什麼東西吧!所有我們已經發佈的自動化專案,都可以在Automation標籤內被讀取。


Processes, as we've learned, are the automation projects associated with a folder. We can run processes from the Assistant, but we can also run them from Orchestrator just by clicking the Start a Job button!  What if we accidentally publish the wrong version of a project and want to revert? From the Edit page, we can roll back to a previous version, and since we're here, we can also modify the Process Details. What if we want to remove a process from the list? Then we click on "Remove". Just be mindful of the action as it will also remove the process from the Assistant. 

正如同我們所了解的那樣,流程(Process)是一個和文件夾相關的自動化專案。我們可以從Assistant中去執行Process,但我們也可以在Orchestrator中按下「Start」工作鈕來啟動它。如果我們不小心發佈了一個錯誤的專案版本,想要將其撤銷?偵編輯(Edit)頁面,我們可以滾(用滑鼠)回到之前的版本,既然我們人就在這裏,我們也可以修改Process的詳細內容. 如果我們想要在清單中移除一個Process? 那麼我們只要點擊「Reomve」。需注意到此動作也會同時移除在Assisant中的該Process。


Next, Let's click on "Jobs". A job stands for the execution of a process, and this page displays all the jobs that were executed from the Assistant or Orchestrator. If some are still running or pending these will be displayed here as well.

Triggers are an unattended automation feature, not available for StudioX users. They enable RPA Developers to execute processes in a preplanned manner.

Now let's move to My Packages. Here we'll find all the projects that we've published from StudioX or manually uploaded. 

Lastly, the Logs page displays logs generated by Robots when a job is run. There are useful for debugging purposed. 

How about we add a fresh process into our Personal Workspace and see how all this information connects? First, let's switch the tab to Home. to see one running in real-time. If you downloaded the StudioX project provided before this video, you would find an automation that logs in to the DoubleUI application, and then processed a spreadsheet.


Before we click "Publish", we make sure that we are logged in StudioX with the Cloud account and that we are working in the Personal Workspace. Time to publish! Once the "Orchestrator Personal Workspace Feed"  has been selected from the "Publish Options", we click the "Publish" button. Great! the workflow has been published successfully. Now that we have sent the automation to our Personal Workspace, let's minimize the StudioX window and bring up UiPath Assistant. Processed published to Personal Workspace feed appear in the Assistant tray instantly. Let's install this last one and run it! Let's confirm the login info... and notice how the Running Jobs Status is now 1? This is the automation currently running. The execution has finished, as signaled by the jobs Status number as well, so we'll focus on the Personal Workspace now and see what has changed!

在我們點擊「發佈」之前,我們要先確定我們已經在UiPath的雲端帳戶登錄了StudioX,而且我們正在個人工作區工作。是時候發佈了!一但我們在「發佈選項」(Publish Options)中選擇了「Orchestrator Personal Workspace Feed」,我們點擊「發佈」按鈕。很好,工作流程就已經發佈成功。現在我們已經將自動化發佈到我們的個人工作區。讓我們最小化StudioX視窗並調出UiPath Assistant. 發佈到個人工作區的流程會立即出現在Assistant 面板上。讓我們安裝最後一個軟件並且執行它。讓我們確認一下登入的訊息…並注意到執行中的工作狀態是否為1? 這就是目前正在執行的自動化。執行已經結束了,正如工作態態的數字所顯示的那樣。所以我們將重點放個人工作區,看看有什麼變化。


Under Processed we should find the new automation. There it is! And we should also see new data under Jobs... My Packages… and Logs. So far, we have covered what a Personal Workspace is and where to find published processes and the associated data.

在Processed下,我們應該找到新的自動化。它就在那裏!我們應該還會看到新的資料在「Jobs」…「My Packages」... 「Logs」之下。到目為止,我們已經介紹了什麼是「個人工作區」,及在哪理可以找到已經發佈的process和相關的數據資料。


Now let's move on to assets. What could those be? Think of assets as being specific pieces of information that may change, such as addresses or values, or that you need to be careful with, like credentials. Storing them here adds a layer of security and allows them to be used in different automation projects. Currently, the Assets Page is empty,  but remember how the automation logs in to the application? Wouldn't it be better to store these credentials in Orchestrator? to add an asset, we click on the "Add asset" button and choose to create a new one. We'll name it Double UI Login and change the type to Credential. We also have the option to store a text asset, like a URL, a Boolean value - these are true or false values, or a number. Moving over to asset value, we add the username, which is "admin", and the password which is "password". Let's keep this information between us, what do you say? We click on "Create" and that's it. the asset is ready to use in StudioX! Easy peasy, right? Let's move back to StudioX! Depending on the StudioX version you've installed, you can find the assets in the Resource panel, or, if the panel is missing - in the Data Manager. Just refresh the paned. In both cases, the steps to add them into a project are the same. In the Get Username or Password action we change the Credential source form "Local" to "Orchestrator". Then we select the credential asset from our workspace. And that's it! 

現在繼續討論「Assets」,那會是什麼呢?我們把「Assets」看作是可能改變的特定訊息,如address、數值、或者你需要小心處理的訊息,如憑證。將它們儲存這裏可以增加一層安全性,並且允許它們在不同的自動化專案中被使用。現在,Assets的頁面是空的,但還記得自動化是如果登入此應用程式的嗎?在Orchestrator中儲存這些憑證不是更好嗎?要增加一個Asset,我們點擊「Add Asset」鈕及選擇創建一個新的Asset。我們將其命名為Double UI Login及改善其類型為Credential。我們還可以選擇儲存成文本的Asset,比如一個URL,一個布林數值(真或假),或者一個數字。移到Asset值,我們增加用戶名,即「admin」,和密碼,即「Password」。讓我們將這些資訊保存我們之間,你覺得怎麼樣?我們點擊「Create」, 就這樣,Asset已經被準備好在StudioX中使用了,很簡單,對嗎?讓我們回到StudioX!根據你所安裝的StudioX版本,你可以在資源面板(Resource Pannel)中找到Asset,或者,如果面板不見了 - 在Data Manager中。只重新重新面板即可。在這兩種情況下,將它們增加到專案中的步驟都是一樣的。在取得用戶名稱或密碼中,我們將憑證來源從「Local」改到「Orchestrator」。然後我們從我們的工作區選擇憑證。就這樣。


For any other type of asset, we can retrieve the values with the Get Orchestrator Asset action and store them in variables. Let's publish this second version of the project! Oops! That's fair, we have validation errors. Let's disable the activity and publish again! Now if needed, we can always revert to the version where we used locally stored credentials. And this concludes this video on the Orchestrator features a Citizen Developer should know how to use.



Before we part, let's do a quick recap: Personal Workspace is a type of folder where we can keep our processes and assets used in automation projects. Assets help us store specific information the Robots can easily access with an extra level of security. Assets can be retrieved in a StudioX project either with the Get Username or Password action, if we are handling credentials, or with the Get Orchestrator Asset. And this concludes our demonstration.

在我們分開之前,讓我們做一個簡單的回顧:個人工作夾是一種文件夾,我們可以在這裡保存我們的流程和自動化項目中使用的Asset。Asset幫助我們儲存特定的訊息,機器人可以輕易的讀取,並有一個特定的安全級別。Asset可以在Studiox專案中通過Get Usernam 或 Password或通過Get Orchestrator Asset動作來檢索(如果我們正在處理憑證)。我們的演示到此結束。


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