




⚫ Antistatic (抗靜電)

⚫ Auxiliary ground (輔助接地)





⚫ Bond or Bonding (搭接)





⚫ Charge decay (電荷衰減)

⚫ Charged device model (帶電裝置模型)

⚫ CPM - Charge plate monitor (充電板監視器)

⚫ CPG - Common point ground (共同接地點)

⚫ Component (元件)

⚫ Conductive materials (導電材料)

⚫ Conductivity (導電率)

⚫ Cuff (腕帶)

⚫ Current Limiting Resistance (限流電阻)




⚫ Decay rate (衰減率)

⚫ Decay time (衰減時間)

⚫ Dissipative Materials (消散材料)

⚫ Discharge time (放電時間)





⚫ Electric Field Shielding Materials (電場屏蔽材料)

⚫ Electrical Overstress, EOS (電氣過壓)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge; ESD (靜電放電)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge protected area; EPA (靜電放電防護區)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge protective (靜電放電防護性)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge protective symbol (靜電放電防護標示)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge protective workstation (靜電放電防護工作站)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge protective worksurface (靜電放電防護工作面)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge sensitivity; ESDS (靜電放電敏感度)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge shield (靜電放電屏蔽)

⚫ Electro Static discharge susceptibility; ESDS (靜電放電敏感性)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge susceptibility classification 靜電放電敏感性分級)

⚫ Electrostatic discharge susceptibility symbol (靜電放電敏感性標示)
⚫ Electrostatic discharge susceptible item (靜電放電敏感性的產品)

⚫ electrostatic field (靜電場)

⚫ electrostatic Induction (靜電感應)

⚫ Electrostatic Neutralizer (靜電消除器)

⚫ electrostatic potential (靜電位)

⚫ electrostatic shield (靜電屏蔽)

⚫ EOS (電氣過載)靜電過壓(Electrical Overstress)。

⚫ Equipment ground (設備接地)

⚫ ESD:靜電放電的縮寫(靜電放電(Electrical Discharge)」)

⚫ ESD Ground (ESD 接地)

⚫ ESD protective (ESD 防護 )

⚫ ESD sensitivity (ESD 敏感度)「靜電放電敏感度(Electrical discharge sensitivity)「靜電放電敏感性(Electrical discharge susceptibility)。

⚫ ESD susceptible (ESDS:靜電放電敏感性)縮寫。(「靜電放電敏感度(Electrical discharge sensitivity)、「靜電放電敏感性(Electrical discharge susceptibility))。




⚫ Foot grounder (足部接地裝置)





⚫ Ground (接地):

⚫ Ground cord (接地導線)

⚫ Ground fault circuit interrupter; GFCI (漏電斷路器)

⚫ Ground reference point (接地參考點)

⚫ Groundable point (可接地點 )

⚫ Grounding conductor (接地用導體)

⚫ Grounding resistance (接地電阻)





⚫ Human body model (人體模型)





⚫ Impedance (阻抗)

⚫ (Impedance n. Symbol z *阻抗符號 Z)

⚫ Insulative material (絕緣材料)

⚫ Ionization (游離化)

⚫ Ionizer (離子產生器)



⚫ Machine model; MM (機器模型)

⚫ Machine model; MM electrostatic discharge (機器模型靜電放電)

⚫ Main bonding jumper (主搭接線)

⚫ Monitor, charge(d) plate (充電板監測器)



⚫ Neutralize (中和)

⚫ Nuclear ionizer (核種離子產生器)




⚫ Offset voltage (殘餘電壓)

⚫ Outlet (電源插座)




⚫ Periodic verification (定期驗證)

⚫ Personnel grounding device (人員接地裝置)

⚫ point-to-point resistance (點對點電阻)

⚫ point-to-point resistance(Garments) 點對點電阻(服裝)





⚫ Resistance to ground (對地電阻)

⚫ Resistance to groundable point (對接地點之電阻)

⚫ Room ionization (空間電離子化)





⚫ Sleeve-to-Sleeve Resistance (袖對袖間電阻)

⚫ Static control floor (靜電控制地板)

⚫ static control floor finish (靜電控制地面塗佈層)

⚫ Static control floor mat 靜電控制地墊)

⚫ Static control floor material (靜電控制地板材料)

⚫ Static control footwear)(footwear) 靜電控制鞋具(鞋類)

⚫ Static control footwear(other devices) 靜電控制鞋具(其他裝置)

⚫ Static control footwear)(shoes) 靜電控制鞋具(鞋)

⚫ Static control garments 靜電控制防護服裝)

⚫ Static control seating靜電控制座椅)

⚫ Static dissipative 靜電消散性)

⚫ Static grounding 靜電接地)

⚫ Static electricity (靜電)

⚫ Surface resistance表面電阻)

⚫ Surface resistivity (表面電阻率)





⚫ Triboelectric charging (摩擦帶電)

⚫ Triboelectric series (摩擦靜電序列表)





⚫ Volume resistance of static dissipative materials (靜電消散材料之體積電阻)

⚫ Volume resistivity (體積電阻率)





⚫ Worksurfaces groundable point (工作面可接地點)

⚫ Worksurface ionization(formerly tabletop ionization) 工作面電離化(舊稱桌面電離化)

⚫ Wrist strap (腕帶)

⚫ Wrist strap system (腕帶系統)



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